1·For example, many pages might have a header title, a breadcrumb, a search box, and a horizontal divider.
2·When the user moves the mouse over the header title, the header can be clicked to return back to the main or front page of the site as set in the Options panel.
3·Since the height of the header is to accommodate the graphics, and by default, any background images in your styles will not print, you will just have empty space around your very large header title.
4·But first, you can assign it a title by sending a header in the options for the request.
5·I used Facelet's templating abilities to remove some of the redundant text in my JSPs in the title, header, and footer areas, while allowing for different content in the body of the page.
我使用了Facelet的模板化功能来删除JS p中标题、页眉和页脚区域中的多余文本,同时允许页面主体中的内容不同。
6·Also, a header can contain more tags than just title and meta in real-world environments.
7·For the header row we'll use the built-in control (with a CornerRadius of 10 to get a nice rounded edge) and add some text inside it to create the Title.
8·Header - Region to place a canvas where the header logo and page title reside.
9·Notice in Listing 16 that the links are defined inside of the header facet for the title column.
注意一下清单16,链接是在标题列的header facet中定义的。
10·On further thought, a header can have only one title tag, but it can have multiple meta tags.